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충남대학교 건축공학과 건축환경계획연구실

Environment Design og Architecture



공동주택 야간경관조명 사례조사를 통한 조명디자인 감성평가
공동주택 야간경관조명 사례조사를 통한 조명디자인 감성평가
작성자 admin
조회수 630 등록일 2020.01.06

공동주택 야간경관조명 사례조사를 통한 조명디자인 감성평가

Emotional Evaluation of Lighting Design through Case Study of Apartment Housing Exterior Lightings


이진숙, 김보현, 김원도


대한건축학회 논문집 계획계 Vol.25 No.3 [2009]

국문초록 (Abstract)


영문초록 (Abstract)

This study is about an emotional evaluation of lighting design using exterior lighting pictures of apartment housing. This study examines images of exterior lightings of apartment housing. By studying references and conducting field investigations aboutexterior lightings of apartment housing, design elements are extracted and block types, lighting methods and light colors are analyzed. Next, Image evaluation words are extracted using questionnaires, and evaluation experiments is conducted using a seven-level evaluation method with the evaluation words. Finally, factor analysis of the result is conducted to define evaluation factors by image types and examine the features of variables and characteristics of evaluation by lighting methods and light colors of exterior lightings are identified.
The results are as follows:
1) Current status of exterior lightings of apartment housing: white, amber and yellow colors and more than two colors of light are used together in many cases. As for luminous sources, metal halide is the most used and LED and CCL are increasingly used. Vertical, up and linear lighting methods are mostly used.
2) Factor analysis result: three factor axes of "comfortable․eautiful", "fun․istinctive" and "strong․plendid" were resulted and evaluability was the most influential. "Comfortable․eautiful" was high in light color evaluation and "fun․istinctive" and "strong․plendid" were high in lighting method evaluation. Yellow colors were highly evaluated in "comfortable․eautiful" light colors. "Fun․istinctive" factor was highly evaluated when mixed lighting method of up and linear lights were used. "Strong․plendid" factor was highly evaluated when up, point and linear lighting method were used.