충남대학교 건축공학과 건축환경계획연구실

Environment Design og Architecture



아파트 저층부 특화디자인의 평가에 관한 연구
아파트 저층부 특화디자인의 평가에 관한 연구
작성자 admin
조회수 672 등록일 2020.01.06

아파트 저층부 특화디자인의 평가에 관한 연구

A Study on the Evaluation of Specialized Design on the Lower Parts in Apartments - Analysis of Materials, Color and Satisfaction of Resident -


이진숙, 박연선, 최종문, 진은미, 손혜연, 홍룡일


대한건축학회 논문집 계획계 Vol.25 No.6 [2009]

국문초록 (Abstract)


영문초록 (Abstract)

This study is aimed at analyzing the requirement of resident about specialized design in lower parts of apartment. So, we surveyed the design elements(materials, color and brand) of specialized design in apartment. And, the survey was performed to satisfaction of present condition of specialized design in lower parts of apartment.
This study was performed by the following procedures.
1) It was surveyed the materials, color and brand of specialized design in apartment. 2) It was analyzed present image of specialized design in lower parts of apartment by color, materials and brand. Factor analysis and description statistics were used by analysis method. 3) The degree of satisfaction of the resident was surveyed. So, we analyzed the present condition of specialized design in lower parts of apartment. And, persuit image of the resident was analyzed.
As the result of evaluation of residents, we came out the fact of necessity of presenting identity of brand in the lower parts of apartment.